We Repair & Maintain Your Sprinkler System So You
Can Bask In The Beauty Of A Green Lawn
Your Trusted Repair Experts With More Than 30 Years Experience

Residential & Commercial Repair. System Checks State Certified Back Flow Checker

- Schedule a repair: 260-888-6200
- An Expert Technician performs an assessment
- Work is completed, sit back and enjoy your hassle free sprinkler system
Spring Activation and Fall Shut Off of Irrigation Systems
We can activate and test your irrigation system in the spring. When fall comes leave your winterizing to us. Your system will be blown out and ready for the spring activation
AquaMan Irrigation of Defiance Lawn Care Sprinkler Services
- Start Up & Shut Down Irrigation Systems
- Old Systems Updated
- Drip Systems Repaired
- Broken Pipes Repaired
- Automate Manual Systems
- Automatic Drain Valves Installed
- Broken & Leaking Heads Replaced
- Clogged Heads Cleaned & Adjusted
- Wiring Traced, repaired & Replaced
- Control Boxes Adjusted & Replaced
- Back Flow Prevention- Installation & Testing
- Sprinkler Valves Located, Replaced/Rebuilt
- Activation and Winterization of Systems

Back Flow Testing
State law requires irrigation systems be back flow tested to make sure they are up to code. We are licensed to test and repair most types of back flow devices and will file all required paperwork.
Your back flow prevention assembly prevents contaminated water from entering your drinking water supply. It can only be installed, repaired and tested by a licensed professional. Let AquaMan Irrigation of Defiance Lawn Care take care of your back flow prevention device today.
We test all back flow devices when we turn on your irrigation so you are protected and your water supply isn’t jeopardized.
For Installation, Testing & Repair Call AquaMan of Defiance Lawn Care 260-888-6200