Fertilizer & Weed Control

Defiance Lawn Care, LLC Custom 5 Treatment Program:

  • Spring – It’s an application of a fertilizer plus pre-emergent to help the lawn green up and thicken from the winter months.  The pre-emergent will help prevent crabgrass and summer weeds from germinating.
  • Summer – This application consists of a fertilizer plus weed control, also known as a “weed and feed”.  This helps the lawn grow thick and green while taking care on any weeds that are present.  At this time we can also apply a grub preventative to protect and guarantee the lawn to be grub worm free all year.
  • Late Summer – The late summer application is to be done very carefully in accordance to the summer heat.  We apply a granular slow-release fertilizer to ensure the lawn keeps healthy and green without burning out.  Granular surface insect control can be applied as needed along with weed control.
  • Fall – The fall application will involve a fertilizer plus broadleaf weed control to promote a thick and green lawn in the fall.  It also takes care of any weeds that have germinated through the fall rain.
  • Winterizer – The final application of the season is a fertilizer to give the lawn the proper nutrients to stay healthy through the cold winter months.  This treatment also helps the lawn recover quicker next spring.

Application Dates:

 Spring  Early March – April
 Summer  June – July
 Late Summer  Late July – August
 Fall  Mid October
 Winterizer  November
 Additional  See below for additional


Additional Lawn Care Services

Grub Preventative – Applied with the summer treatment; the grub preventative is a granular insecticide that protects your lawn from grub worms and is guaranteed for the entire season.  A grub preventative is applied at the customer’s discretion, we recommend that a grub treatment is applied to the lawn every year or every other year depending on the location of the property.

Lime Application – Limestone can be applied anytime throughout the year, but the best times are in the spring and fall.  Lime will help balance the pH of the soil, which will enable the lawn to utilize the fertilizer quicker and more effectively.

Fungicide Application – Most diseases in turf grass are able to run their course without ever being noticed but there are some that need extra attention.  With newly established lawns, disease is very likely.  We have the ability to identify and irradiate any fungus or disease.  A fungicide application in the late fall is one way to help reduce snow mold the following spring.

Aeration / Aeration Over-seed – Aeration is the best kept secret to a great lawn.  This is done by plugging the lawn leaving thousands of holes.  These holes allow the lawn to breath and bring in oxygen.  Aerations also help reduce thatch and soil compaction.  Over-seeding a lawn is done after the aeration is complete.  Grass seed is pushed through the lawn, allowing the seed to drop quickly into the holes for a quicker more efficient germination.

Referral Discount

We value every customer and know that the best way for people to hear about our service is through you.  We offer a $15 referral for every new customer that you get to have us take care of their lawn care needs.  It’s simple, have a friend sign up with us and receive $15 off your next service!